Monday, January 7, 2008

Color Assingment # 6

Assignment #6 Color Theory Francisco Letelier

Create a complex and unified composition
incorporating rhythm, movement and a variety of visual contrasts.8"X11" size. Use a palette of 5 colors.

Media: Acrylic, or gouache on illustration board or Bristol.
Bristol must be mounted on a hard surface; board or foamcore.
Illustration board size must be 9"x12" with art work in rectangle measuring 8"x11"

Rhythm can be created using shape and/or color variation
Mix white into your acrylic paints in order to improve opacity of paint and make painting and rendering easier as well as to create intervals of value/tints. =(rhythm)
Use black to achieve shades of your palette. Use white to create tints.

Please tape a sheet of paper over your finished board.

Rhythm is one of the principles of art. Visual rhythm makes you think of the rhythms you hear in music or dance. Artists create visual rhythm by repeating art elements and creating patterns.

Pattern is one of the principles of art. Artists create pattern by repeating a line, shape or color over and over again.

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